An Early Christmas present!
Honestly, I didn't expect to get an abundance of gifts this year because of our tight budget right now and...surprisingly I didn't really want any either. However, I received a very unexpected Christmas present today!
Are you curious yet?
Well....(dum,dum,dum,dum) I got stitches!!!
Seriously, I had to go get stitches because I sliced the tip of my pinky while opening a soup can! I definitely won't forget this gift and I'll let you know if I get a pretty scar too!
1:06 AM | | 0 Comments
The purpose of Christmas
It's Christmas again!Hooray!! That means new toys gadgets and gizmos!But why?????
Is Christmas really about getting new stuff? Well, it shouldn't be.
Christmas is the time of year we set aside to celebrate the birth of JESUS and thank him for sacrificing His life for us!Basically it's His birthday party. Christmas should be about giving JESUS gifts.
Now the question is what do you give someone who owns the everything?
Hebrews 13:15-16 say: "By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name. But to do good and communicate(share) forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased."
The only thing we can give to God that he hasn't given us first is our praise and worship. The thing from the depths of our soul that displays our love for our redeemer.
So this Christmas season please don't forget the most important thing, which is, your gift for God. Thank Him, praise HIm, do good and share for with such gifts God is well pleased!
6:12 PM | | 0 Comments
God still answers prayer!
This has been a very busy week for me, but I have to say It was a good week. The Lord reminded me Wednesday that He cares about the small stuff!
What happened was I needed a bale of hay for my rabbits but I only had 20$ and needed it for something more important, so there in the chicken coup I just asked God to provide a bale of hay for me.Then I left it at that.
Later on we were setting the table for lunch when the phone rang. Daddy answered and long story short a friend from our church put a bale of hay in the bed of our truck at the meeting that night!!!!
I was tickled, just to think that a God who spoke the world into existence and poured the oceans out of the palm of His hand would pay any attention to a speck like me is...humbling,encouraging... and flattering! I can't explain such joy just in knowing that Jesus Loves Me!!!
I could brag on my Lord for ever but I won't bore you with that. I just thought it might be a blessing to some of you to be reminded of how much our heavenly Father loves His children.
6:47 PM | | 0 Comments
Where has this week gone?
Have you ever had one of those weeks that go by so fast you can't hardly remember any thing that happened? Or,better question, who hasn't?
Well this has been one of those weeks for me. I only remember doing school work and babysitting. But somehow I made my muscles sore and can't imagine how! Oh well, I'm sure I'll live. I just hope that next week moves slow enough for me to enjoy it a little!
6:39 PM | | 0 Comments